Heart (Cardiac) Catheterization

Common Procedures Performed Using Cardiac Catheterization:

Coronary angiogram: A catheter is used to inject a contrast agent into the blood vessels that supply the heart (coronary arteries) so they can be seen on x-rays to check for blockages.

Ventriculogram: A catheter is used to inject a contrast agent into one or more heart chambers, so they can be seen on x-rays.

Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) or Angioplasty: A catheter with a balloon at the end is inserted into a narrowed coronary artery and the balloon is inflated to open the narrowed area. Doctors usually use the catheter to insert a stent into the artery to keep it open.

Valvuloplasty: a procedure to repair a heart valve that has a narrowed opening. A catheter is inserted to widen the opening.

Valve replacement: A catheter is used to replace a valve in the heart without removing the old valve or performing surgery.

Heart biopsy: Taking a sample of tissue from inside the heart for later examination under a microscope.



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