How Is The Examination Performed?
Before the procedure, a nurse will put an IV (intravenous) line into a vein in the arm so you can get medicine (sedative) to help you relax, but be awake and able to follow instructions during the procedure.
The area where the catheter will be inserted is shaved if necessary and disinfected. It is often in the groin at the level of the femoral artery, because the path is easier and straighter that way (or in the fold of the arm at the radial artery).
The doctor gives a local anesthetic, or even a short general anesthesia if it is a child. Electrodes are placed to allow continuous monitoring of the electrocardiogram, and then a needle is inserted into the chosen vessel. A metal guide is then inserted through the center of the needle. The doctor slides the catheter along the guide wire to the heart, and monitors its path on an X-ray screen.