10 Overlooked Symptoms of Angina in Women: It’s Time to Take Notice

Symptom 3: Unaccountable Sweating: More Than Just a Hot Flash

Unaccountable Sweating More Than Just a Hot Flash

You’re comfortably seated in a cool room, enjoying your favorite book or TV show. Suddenly, you start sweating profusely, beads of sweat trickling down your forehead, the back of your neck drenched. It’s not a hot flash, and the room’s temperature hasn’t changed. This unexpected, unexplainable sweating could be more than just a glitch in the body’s cooling system.

Sudden, excessive sweating, especially when it’s not triggered by heat or physical exertion, can be a sign of angina. The heart, under strain from insufficient blood supply, causes the body to undergo stress. One way the body tries to cope with this stress is by releasing sweat, an effort to cool down, even when there’s no apparent reason for it to heat up.

This sweating can occur at any time and is often unconnected to the surrounding temperature or physical activity. It can be an uncomfortable sensation, with cold sweat making the skin clammy. This symptom can often accompany a feeling of unease, a sense that something isn’t right.

The occurrence of unaccountable sweating doesn’t follow a pattern. It can strike at any time, turning a leisurely stroll or a relaxing evening into an awkward, uncomfortable experience. However, it’s the randomness and the lack of an apparent trigger that makes this symptom a valuable clue in detecting angina. (3)

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