10 Overlooked Symptoms of Angina in Women: It’s Time to Take Notice

Symptom 4: Frequent Dizziness: Not Just a Spinning Sensation

Frequent Dizziness Not Just a Spinning Sensation

It is another of your usual day. Your standing in a queue or simply walking around your home, and out of nowhere, the world seems to tilt. The feeling of dizziness engulfs you, making it hard to keep your balance. Such episodes, particularly when standing up or moving quickly, can be a silent indication of angina.

When the supply of oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the brain falls short, one might experience bouts of dizziness. The brain, being a major energy consumer, needs a continuous blood supply to function optimally. Any disruption in this supply chain can lead to a sensation of lightheadedness, hinting at a potential heart issue.

This sense of unsteadiness isn’t your typical ‘room spinning’ type of dizziness, often associated with problems in the inner ear. It is subtle, almost as if you’re about to faint, often accompanied by a feeling of weakness or even confusion. Such occurrences can be quite disorienting, adding a sense of discomfort to everyday life.

Unlike common dizziness, which might occur after sudden movements or because of an ear infection, the frequency of these dizzy spells makes them noteworthy. When these episodes start to form a pattern, seemingly unrelated to any identifiable cause, it’s a cause for concern.

Recognizing this symptom is critical. Dizziness, especially when frequent and unexplained, can be an indication of an underlying heart condition like angina. Understanding this link can help detect potential heart issues early and prevent them from escalating. (4)

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