10 Overlooked Symptoms of Angina in Women: It’s Time to Take Notice

Symptom 7: Rapid or Irregular Heartbeats: A Heart Offbeat

Rapid or Irregular Heartbeats A Heart Offbeat

Imagine sitting in a calm environment, and suddenly you become aware of your heartbeat. It’s not just beating; it’s racing, thudding away at a mile a minute. Or perhaps it’s skipping beats, fluttering irregularly like a bird trapped in a cage. These erratic heart rhythms could be more than just a reaction to caffeine or anxiety; they could be a symptom of angina.

A healthy heart beats at a steady rhythm, a comforting, regular lub-dub, lub-dub that circulates blood throughout the body. But when the heart isn’t getting enough blood due to blockages in the coronary arteries, this rhythm can go haywire. The result? Rapid or irregular heartbeats, also known as palpitations.

These palpitations can make the heart feel like it’s pounding, racing, or skipping beats. It can be a frightening experience, causing a sense of dread or panic. You might feel these palpitations in your chest, throat, or neck, particularly when you’re at rest.

What’s tricky about palpitations is that they can occur sporadically. One moment you’re fine, the next, your heart’s pounding away like a drum. And then, just as suddenly, it’s back to normal. These sudden episodes, when not linked to stress, exercise, or stimulants, might indicate that your heart’s trying to tell you something.

So, the next time your heart starts playing its own erratic rhythm, take note. It could be its way of warning you that it’s not getting the oxygen-rich blood it needs. And that could be a symptom of angina. (7)

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