Symptom 2: Persistent Cough or Wheezing

Another prevalent symptom pointing towards congestive heart disease is a persistent cough or wheezing, often accompanied by white or pink-tinged phlegm. This symptom may be mistaken for a respiratory infection or an allergic response, yet it could indicate a serious underlying heart condition.
When the heart fails to pump blood effectively, fluid can build up in the lungs, causing a persistent, often irritating cough. The presence of blood in the phlegm is due to the rupture of tiny blood vessels in the lungs, a side effect of the increased pressure from the fluid buildup.
Much like shortness of breath, a persistent cough or wheezing is not exclusive to congestive heart disease. It can also be associated with various other health conditions, including asthma, bronchitis, and lung cancer. Therefore, it is important to evaluate this symptom in the context of other concurrent signs and symptoms.
Notably, individuals experiencing a persistent cough or wheezing coupled with shortness of breath, particularly if the phlegm is pink-tinged or contains traces of blood, should seek immediate medical attention. These combined symptoms could indicate a more severe stage of congestive heart disease.
In conclusion, a persistent cough or wheezing, especially when combined with shortness of breath or pink-tinged phlegm, should be taken seriously as it could be indicative of congestive heart disease. As always, this symptom should be considered in combination with others and medical advice should be sought promptly. (2)