Symptom 7: Increased Need to Urinate at Night

An increased need to urinate during the night, known as nocturia, is a symptom that might indicate congestive heart disease. When the heart is unable to pump efficiently, the kidneys work to balance fluids in the body. At night, when your body is lying flat, the fluid that’s accumulated in your tissues during the day can get reabsorbed into your bloodstream and processed by the kidneys, leading to increased urine production.
However, nocturia is a common condition in older adults and can also be associated with conditions such as urinary tract infection, diabetes, and prostate problems in men. Therefore, it is necessary to consider this symptom alongside other signs of congestive heart disease. If you find yourself waking frequently to urinate during the night in conjunction with other symptoms, it is advisable to seek medical advice.
Importantly, treatment of congestive heart disease often improves this symptom, indicating the connection between improved heart function and the reduction of nocturia. Thus, in the grand scheme of heart disease symptoms, an increased need to urinate at night should not be dismissed. (7)