Symptom 8: Swelling of Your Abdomen

Swelling or discomfort in your abdomen can also be a symptom of congestive heart disease. This swelling, known as ascites, is due to fluid buildup in the abdominal cavity. When the heart cannot pump efficiently, blood returning to the heart from the liver and intestines can back up, leading to fluid leakage into the abdomen.
While ascites can also be a symptom of liver disease or cancer, when it occurs with other signs of heart disease, it becomes a significant concern. Notably, this symptom is often accompanied by a rapid weight gain due to fluid retention, increased waist circumference, and sometimes, discomfort or pain in the abdomen.
Ultimately, abdominal swelling or discomfort should be taken seriously, particularly when seen alongside other symptoms of congestive heart disease. If you notice an unexplained increase in waist circumference, sudden weight gain, or persistent abdominal discomfort, it would be prudent to seek medical advice. (8)