A Comprehensive Look at Left-Sided Heart Failure: The 10 Unmistakable Signs and Symptoms

Symptom 5: Swelling in Your Legs, Ankles and Feet

Swelling in Your Legs, Ankles and Feet

Swelling, also known as edema, in your legs, ankles, and feet is another symptom of left-sided heart failure. This symptom arises from a domino effect initiated by the heart’s compromised ability to pump blood efficiently. Consequently, this can lead to an accumulation of fluid in the body’s tissues, a condition called peripheral edema.

The swelling usually begins in the feet and ankles, particularly after prolonged standing or sitting, and can gradually work its way up to the legs. In some instances, you might observe indentation marks on your skin from your socks or shoes. As left-sided heart failure progresses, this fluid buildup may extend to the abdomen and even the lungs, exacerbating breathing difficulties.

Edema isn’t just physically uncomfortable; it’s an indicator that the body isn’t functioning as it should. Although it’s possible for swelling to result from other conditions like kidney disease or vein problems, when observed in conjunction with other symptoms, it can signal left-sided heart failure. (5)

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