Symptom 7: Lack of Appetite or Nausea
When left-sided heart failure progresses, it can lead to another surprising symptom – a lack of appetite or feelings of nausea. The mechanisms behind this symptom are multifaceted. First, fluid buildup around the liver and intestines can interfere with proper digestion, leading to feelings of fullness, even when you’ve eaten very little.
Secondly, as your body diverts more blood to vital organs like the heart and brain, less blood reaches the digestive system, impairing its function. This may result in feelings of nausea or a lack of appetite. For some, these digestive issues may lead to unintentional weight loss.
Although these symptoms could be attributed to various other conditions, persistent issues, particularly when coupled with other symptoms, should not be ignored. Early consultation with a healthcare provider can help determine if these digestive problems are related to left-sided heart failure or another underlying condition. (7)