A Deep Dive into Atrial Fibrillation: Unmasking 13 Symptoms in Women

Symptom 10: Persistent Cough – The Unexpected Herald

Persistent Cough – The Unexpected Herald

In the realm of AFIB symptoms, a persistent cough may seem like an unusual suspect. Yet, it’s a symptom that can subtly signal the presence of this condition. This symptom typically arises from fluid build-up in the lungs, a consequence of the heart’s irregular rhythm and inefficient pumping.

Coughing in AFIB is not your run-of-the-mill symptom. It’s not the kind that comes with a cold or allergies. Instead, it’s a persistent, dry cough that stays even when other symptoms disappear. It may even get worse when you lie down, making it hard to rest.

Behind this symptom is the heart’s struggle to keep up with its duties. When it’s out of sync, the heart doesn’t pump as effectively. This can lead to fluid backing up in the lungs. The body responds by trying to expel this fluid, leading to the persistent cough.

The persistent cough of AFIB isn’t loud or violent. Instead, it’s more like a whisper, an understated sign of an underlying issue. It can be easy to overlook or attribute to other causes, but recognizing it for what it is can help catch AFIB early.

In conclusion, a persistent cough is not just about an irritated throat or a lingering cold. In the context of AFIB, it’s an unexpected herald, a subtle sign of the heart’s struggle to keep its rhythm. (10)

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