Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure: Unmasking a Silent Foe

Symptom 2: Swelling in Your Legs, Ankles, and Feet (Edema) – The Tell-Tale Tidal Waves

Swelling in Your Legs, Ankles, and Feet (Edema) - The Tell-Tale Tidal Waves

Edema, or swelling in the ankles, feet, and legs, could be the body’s cry for help in the face of CDHF. This isn’t just the regular swelling one might experience after a long day on their feet. It’s persistent, often worsening as the day progresses, and is particularly noticeable in the ankles.

Under normal circumstances, the body maintains a delicate balance of fluids. However, in CDHF, this balance goes awry. Due to the heart’s struggle with blood circulation, fluids can build up, leading to visible swelling, especially in the lower extremities.

The fluid accumulation or edema in CDHF is not just a surface-level symptom. It’s a sign that the heart isn’t functioning as effectively as it should. This fluid overload is a systemic issue, impacting not just the peripheral tissues but also crucial organs, like the liver and the lungs.

Edema in CDHF is often a double-edged sword. While it’s a clear physical symptom, indicating the presence of the condition, it also contributes to the disease’s progression. It increases the pressure on the heart, which in turn exacerbates the heart’s diastolic dysfunction. (2)

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