Chronic Diastolic Heart Failure: Unmasking a Silent Foe

Symptom 3: Rapid Weight Gain – The Unexpected Scale Surprise

Rapid Weight Gain - The Unexpected Scale Surprise

The scale can sometimes be a bearer of bad news in cases of CDHF. Rapid and unexpected weight gain can signal this heart condition, causing alarm as the numbers on the scale keep escalating. This isn’t your typical weight gain due to excessive caloric intake or lack of physical activity.

In the case of CDHF, the sudden spike in weight can be attributed to fluid accumulation. When the heart can’t circulate blood efficiently, the body tends to hold onto excess fluid, and this water retention can manifest as a sudden increase in weight.

It’s worth noting that the weight gain in CDHF is often not distributed evenly across the body. Instead, it might be more pronounced in certain areas, particularly the lower extremities and the abdominal region. This disproportionate distribution is a result of the influence of gravity on the excess fluid.

The impacts of rapid weight gain extend beyond physical discomfort. It can introduce a whole host of other issues, such as strain on the already weakened heart, increased blood pressure, and respiratory distress due to the pressure of accumulated fluid on the diaphragm. (3)

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