Chronic Heart Failure: Top 10 Symptoms to Watch Out For

Symptom 6. Lack of Appetite: An Unexpected Sign

Lack of Appetite An Unexpected Sign

One might not associate a lack of appetite with heart conditions, but it is indeed a symptom of chronic heart failure. Often overlooked, this symptom is essential to recognize as it might lead to unintentional weight loss and nutritional deficiencies, further complicating the condition.

Why would chronic heart failure affect your appetite? As the condition progresses, fluid may accumulate in the liver and intestines, causing a feeling of fullness or discomfort even after consuming small meals. This discomfort often leads to reduced food intake, resulting in a lack of appetite.

It’s important to note that this lack of appetite might not be consistent. There might be days where you eat regularly, followed by periods where food doesn’t seem appealing. Moreover, the decrease in appetite might be subtle initially, gradually becoming more apparent as the condition progresses.

Interestingly, a lack of appetite might sometimes be accompanied by nausea, especially after eating. This symptom is a result of the pressure exerted by the fluid accumulation on the stomach and intestines, leading to feelings of discomfort and nausea.(6)

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