6. Canned Foods: Preserved Foods, Preserved Risks

Canned foods are convenient, long-lasting, and versatile. However, many canned foods are high in sodium and preservatives, which can contribute to conditions such as high blood pressure and heart disease, increasing the risk of AFib.
The high sodium content in many canned foods can lead to high blood pressure, a known risk factor for AFib. Moreover, some canned foods contain preservatives that may have adverse effects on heart health over the long term.
In addition to their high sodium content, many canned foods are high in unhealthy fats and sugar. These factors can contribute to conditions like obesity and diabetes, both of which can increase the risk of atrial fibrillation.
The key to incorporating canned foods into a heart-healthy diet is to opt for low-sodium versions whenever possible and to balance them with fresh fruits and vegetables. Making these simple changes can go a long way in protecting heart health and potentially reducing the risk of AFib. (6)