Heart Attack Alert: Know These 20 Signs And Symptoms

Symptom 2: Chest Discomfort: The Quintessential Warning

Chest Discomfort The Quintessential Warning

Chest discomfort is often synonymous with heart attacks in public perception. This symptom manifests as an uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, or pain in the center of the chest. The feeling could persist for more than a few minutes or disappear and return.

Chest discomfort during a heart attack is usually located in the center of the chest. It can feel like an elephant sitting on your chest or a squeezing sensation as if a giant hand is wrapping around your heart. This discomfort can be constant or come and go in waves.

While it is common, not everyone experiences chest discomfort before or during a heart attack. There’s a sizeable proportion of people, particularly women, who experience a heart attack without the ‘typical’ chest pain. It’s crucial to note that chest discomfort varies significantly among individuals.

In some cases, this discomfort can extend beyond the chest, radiating out to other parts of the body. People have reported feeling it in their arms (more commonly the left arm), back, neck, jaw, or stomach. This can lead to confusion and delay in recognizing these symptoms as a potential heart attack.(2)

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