Heart Healthy Diet: Top 10 Foods to Fortify Your Cardiovascular System

Food 8. Dark Chocolate: The Heart’s Sweet Indulgence

Dark Chocolate The Heart's Sweet Indulgence

Dark chocolate, specifically those varieties with 70% or more cocoa, serves as a sweet indulgence for your heart. It’s rich in flavonoids, a type of antioxidant that has been linked to heart health.

Research shows that the flavonoids in dark chocolate can help lower blood pressure, improve blood flow to the heart and brain, and make blood platelets less sticky and able to clot. Moreover, some studies have even associated consumption of dark chocolate with a lower risk of heart disease.

Incorporating dark chocolate into a heart-healthy diet can be as simple as enjoying a square or two as an after-meal treat. However, it’s important to keep portion sizes in mind as dark chocolate is also high in calories. (8)

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