Identifying the Early Warning Signs: 10 Symptoms of Atrial Fibrillation (AFIB) in Men

Symptom 6: Chest Pain – The Uninvited Guest

Chest Pain - The Uninvited Guest

Picture a sudden, gripping pain in your chest, akin to an intense pressure or a squeezing sensation. This could be angina, a potential symptom of AFIB. While not everyone with AFIB experiences chest pain, those who do describe it as a crushing weight, as if an elephant has taken a seat on their chest.

The pain can be persistent or come and go in waves, sometimes radiating to the arms, neck, jaw, or back. Accompanied by a sense of impending doom, this discomfort can be as terrifying as it is physically distressing.

The occurrence of chest pain in AFIB is associated with the increased workload on the heart. As the heart struggles to pump blood effectively due to the irregular rhythm, the heart muscles may not get enough oxygen. This oxygen deprivation can cause discomfort and pain, known as angina.

The intrusive nature of this symptom can dramatically affect one’s quality of life. Imagine being engrossed in your favorite book or laughing at a family dinner, and suddenly, you’re in the grips of an uninvited pain. The fear of when the next episode might strike can create a debilitating cycle of anxiety and distress.

Although chest pain can have several causes, it’s crucial not to downplay its potential severity. Any persistent, unexplained chest discomfort should be taken seriously, as it could be your body’s warning of an underlying heart condition like AFIB. (6)

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