Recognizing the Subtle Symptoms of AFIB Stroke: Be Alert, Be Aware

Symptom 9: Blurred or Double Vision

Blurred or Double Vision

Changes in vision, such as blurriness, double vision, or even loss of vision, can also be a symptom of an AFIB stroke. These changes can occur in one or both eyes and might come and go or be persistent. It happens when a stroke affects the part of the brain responsible for vision.

An irregular heartbeat in AFIB can lead to blood clots, which might block the blood vessels supplying the brain. If the affected blood vessels are responsible for vision, it could result in visual disturbances.

Given the seriousness of a stroke, any sudden changes in vision should be treated as a medical emergency. If you experience unexplained blurry or double vision, especially in conjunction with other symptoms, seek immediate medical attention. (8)

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