Symptom 10. Increased Sweating: More Than Just a Hot Flash

Increased perspiration, including night sweats, can also be a sign of heart failure. This symptom occurs as the body reacts to the stress caused by the heart’s inadequate pumping action. The body may respond by increasing the sweat output, leading to episodes of excessive sweating.
This symptom might seem harmless, especially in warmer climates or during exercise. However, sudden, unexplained sweating or perspiring more than usual at night, particularly if combined with other heart failure symptoms, could be a sign of heart failure.
Once again, the importance of identifying these symptoms in their totality comes to the fore. Isolated symptoms could result from various factors, but when multiple signs occur in tandem, the need for medical attention becomes urgent. In the next section, we’ll delve into the remaining five symptoms of heart failure in women. (10)