Symptom 11. Skin Changes: Unusual but Telling

Heart failure can also lead to noticeable changes in the skin. As the heart struggles to pump blood effectively, it could cause your skin to appear pale or bluish, particularly around the lips and extremities. This change in skin color is due to insufficient oxygen-rich blood reaching the surface of your skin.
Furthermore, the skin might feel cold to touch, again because of reduced blood flow. Some people may also notice increased perspiration as the body attempts to cool itself down. This symptom is more subtle and can be easily overlooked, but it is nonetheless an important sign of heart failure.
Skin changes might not be the first thing you associate with heart failure, but they are part of your body’s way of signaling an underlying problem. So, if you notice a persistent paleness or bluish tinge to your skin, particularly if accompanied by other symptoms in this list, it might be time to consult a healthcare provider.
Skin changes, subtle as they may seem, could be telling you a story about your heart health. It’s crucial to take these signs seriously and seek professional help if they persist. Remember, your skin, like every other part of your body, depends on your heart’s ability to pump blood effectively. It might be giving you vital clues about your heart’s health status before more obvious symptoms become apparent. (11)