Symptom 3. Swelling in the Legs, Ankles, and Feet: More Than Just Tired Feet

Swelling, otherwise known as edema, is a common yet often overlooked sign of heart failure. The body’s reaction to an overworked heart, particularly in women, often manifests as swelling in the lower extremities.
The reason for this lies in the heart’s reduced blood-pumping ability, which causes the blood returning to the heart from the lower body to back up. The pressure increase in the blood vessels prompts fluid to leak out into surrounding tissues, resulting in noticeable swelling in the legs, ankles, and feet.
Additionally, hormonal changes in women may also exacerbate fluid retention, which can add to the swelling. Regularly taking note of any noticeable increase in leg or foot size, or a tight, heavy feeling, can help in early detection.
Yet, edema alone is not definitive proof of heart failure as other conditions can cause similar symptoms. However, when combined with other signs such as shortness of breath or fatigue, it strongly suggests a need for further cardiac evaluation. (3)