Symptom 7. Fatigue, Lethargy, or Weakness: It’s Not Just About Being Tired

One of the most reported symptoms of heart failure in women is persistent fatigue or tiredness, often described as a feeling of lethargy or weakness. However, this is not your typical end-of-the-day exhaustion. The fatigue linked to heart failure is a more pervasive kind of tiredness that doesn’t go away with rest.
When heart failure occurs, the heart struggles to pump blood effectively throughout the body. Due to this deficiency, the body, in an attempt to protect the heart and brain, might divert blood away from less vital organs and muscles. This blood diversion can leave muscles without a sufficient blood supply, leading to a feeling of weakness or fatigue.
But what does this feel like on a day-to-day basis? Women with heart failure might find that they tire more easily during physical activity, or that routine tasks suddenly seem much harder. They may feel constantly low on energy, even after a good night’s sleep, or find it challenging to concentrate due to the exhaustion.
However, it’s crucial to remember that fatigue can be a symptom of many different conditions, not just heart failure. Persistent, unexplained fatigue, especially when paired with other symptoms of heart failure, warrants a discussion with a healthcare provider. This symptom, subtle as it may be, is the body’s cry for help and should not be ignored. (7)