The Atrial Fibrillation Diet: 15 Foods to Boost Your AFIB Journey

Food 12. Succulent Salmon: Omega-3 Champion

Succulent Salmon Omega-3 Champion

Salmon is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids out there, making it a fantastic food for heart health. The omega-3s in salmon help reduce inflammation in the body, which can lower the risk of heart disease. Plus, they’ve been found to help regulate heart rhythm, making them particularly beneficial for those with AFIB.

In addition to omega-3s, salmon is an excellent source of protein, which can help maintain a healthy weight. Managing weight is a key component of managing AFIB, making salmon a doubly beneficial food choice.

Including salmon in your diet can be as simple as grilling it with a squeeze of lemon or baking it in the oven with a sprinkle of herbs. It’s a versatile and delicious addition to a heart-healthy diet.

Once again, the key here is balance. While salmon is incredibly nutritious, it’s important to consume it as part of a balanced diet. That means pairing it with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other heart-healthy foods. (11)

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