The Top 15 Early Signs and First Symptoms of Heart Failure

Sign 8. Lack of Appetite: A Stealthy Indicator of Heart Failure

Lack of Appetite A Stealthy Indicator of Heart Failure

A sudden lack of appetite or feeling full after eating small amounts can be an early sign of heart failure. With fluid buildup in the liver and intestines due to the heart’s inability to pump efficiently, the digestion process may get disrupted, leading to these symptoms.

Unlike other signs, this symptom is tricky to spot. Changes in appetite can be attributed to various factors, from mood changes to digestive issues. However, a persistent lack of appetite, especially when coupled with rapid weight gain or abdominal swelling, could be a clue to heart failure.

The key is to identify a change in eating habits. If you find yourself eating less than usual or feeling bloated and full even after small meals, it could indicate an issue. More so, when these changes in appetite are not linked to changes in diet or routine, it warrants attention.

A lack of appetite due to heart failure may not always come alone. It could be accompanied by nausea or a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. Noticing this combination of symptoms can aid in early detection.(8)

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