The Unmistakable Signs of Congestive Heart Failure: Know the 15 Symptoms

Symptom 11: Swelling of the Abdomen: A Visible Sign of Advanced CHF

Swelling of the Abdomen A Visible Sign of Advanced CHF

Swelling of the abdomen, also known as ascites, is a conspicuous sign that could indicate an advanced stage of CHF. Ascites arises when fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity, a consequence of the heart’s inefficient blood pumping. This fluid buildup can increase pressure in the blood vessels, causing fluid to seep into the abdominal space.

When a person with CHF develops ascites, they may notice that their abdomen appears distended or bloated. The skin might seem stretched and shiny, creating a physical discomfort that’s hard to ignore. It may feel like an unending sense of fullness, or even severe abdominal pain in some cases, which necessitates immediate medical attention.

Besides causing physical discomfort, ascites can significantly impact other aspects of health. It can hinder the process of digestion, as the accumulated fluid can press against the stomach. This pressure can lead to a decreased appetite and a sensation of satiety after consuming only a small amount of food.(11)

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