Top 10 Early Signs of Congestive Heart Failure: Spotting the Symptoms

Sign 5: Swelling in Legs, Ankles, and Feet

Swelling in Legs, Ankles, and Feet

One of the most visible signs of CHF is swelling in the lower extremities – particularly the legs, ankles, and feet. This swelling, also known as peripheral edema, is caused by the accumulation of fluid in these areas.

In the early stages, the swelling may be slight and appear primarily at the end of the day. However, as the heart condition progresses, the swelling becomes more pronounced and may persist throughout the day.

Although many conditions can lead to swelling, persistent swelling coupled with other symptoms on this list should prompt an immediate visit to a healthcare provider. Like all CHF symptoms, the sooner the condition is diagnosed and treated, the better the prognosis. (5)

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