Understanding Intermittent Atrial Fibrillation: 10 Common Symptoms

Symptom 9: Anxiety


Next on our list is anxiety, a common yet often overlooked symptom of intermittent atrial fibrillation. People with AFib may experience feelings of worry, fear, or unease, often without a specific reason. These feelings can range from mild unease to severe anxiety that interferes with daily life.

Anxiety in AFib patients can stem from several factors. The physical symptoms such as palpitations, chest pain, and shortness of breath can cause considerable distress and lead to anxiety. Additionally, the unpredictable nature of intermittent atrial fibrillation can contribute to feelings of anxiety, as individuals may constantly worry about when the next episode will strike.

It’s also worth noting that anxiety can be both a cause and a result of AFib. Anxiety can increase the heart rate and lead to palpitations, which can trigger an AFib episode. On the other hand, experiencing an AFib episode can cause anxiety due to the discomfort and fear associated with the symptoms. (8)

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