Symptom 2. Shortness of Breath: An Unexpected Intruder of Unstable Angina

Breathing, an automatic act we seldom notice, until it isn’t effortless anymore. Unstable angina can bring attention to this inconspicuous action by making it laborious. When your heart struggles to pump sufficient oxygenated blood to meet the body’s needs, shortness of breath steps in. It isn’t the type of breathlessness that follows after a sprint; it’s a gasping for air, an invisible force seemingly stealing away your breath.
The peculiar thing about this symptom is its untimely appearance. Imagine sitting in your favorite chair, indulging in a gripping novel. There’s no physical exertion involved, yet, out of the blue, you’re panting, trying to draw in more air. You’re left puzzled and a bit panicked, your relaxed afternoon overshadowed by an unexpected intruder — breathlessness.
In other cases, it might appear like a deceptive runner’s stitch, except there’s no running involved. Picture this: you’re taking a leisurely walk, a routine you’ve followed for years. Suddenly, a sharp pain winds you, the simple act of breathing becomes strenuous. The world seems to shrink to the simple yet arduous task of taking in air and letting it out.
In some instances, shortness of breath pulls a clever disguise, mimicking the out-of-breath feeling after a bout of crying or laughter. But, there’s neither joy nor sorrow to justify it. You’re caught off guard by this unexpected sensation, your lungs working overtime, your heart pounding, trying to keep up with the demand for oxygen.
To some, it may feel as though they’re trying to breathe underwater. A fight against an unseen resistance, a struggle to fill the lungs with enough air. The peculiarity of this symptom is the apparent disconnect between your actions and the body’s response. You’re at rest, but your body seems to be exerting itself, the uninvited shortness of breath disrupting your peace. This marked dyspnea, unrelated to physical activity, stands as the second pivotal symptom of unstable angina. (2)