Symptom 13: Persistent Anxiety or Restlessness: An Emotional Sign of Heart Trouble

Experiencing persistent anxiety or a feeling of restlessness can be an emotional sign of heart trouble. Imagine feeling a constant sense of worry or unease, a feeling of impending doom, or a strange restlessness that you can’t seem to shake off. This persistent anxiety or restlessness, especially if it’s new or has escalated recently, might be connected to heart disease.
Anxiety related to heart disease might manifest as a constant, vague sense of worry that something isn’t right. You might find it hard to concentrate, your sleep might be disturbed, or you might feel unusually restless. This symptom often overlaps with other symptoms of heart disease, contributing to a state of constant distress.
Moreover, anxiety might lead to or intensify other physical symptoms like palpitations or breathlessness, creating a vicious cycle that’s hard to break. You feel anxious because of the physical symptoms, and the anxiety, in turn, exacerbates these symptoms. This interplay can make it difficult to pinpoint the source of the anxiety.
This sense of restlessness or unease might be particularly pronounced at night, causing you to wake up feeling anxious. This nocturnal anxiety can disrupt your sleep and leave you feeling fatigued and irritable during the day, further intensifying the restlessness.(13)