Symptom 6: Lightheadedness or Sudden Dizziness: An Unexpected Sign of a Heart Attack

Feeling lightheaded or dizzy can be an unexpected symptom of a heart attack. Picture this: you’re going about your day, and out of the blue, the room starts spinning, or you feel as if you might faint. This sudden, unanticipated feeling of being off-balance, particularly if coupled with chest discomfort or shortness of breath, could be a warning sign of heart disease.
These sensations of lightheadedness or dizziness are often hard to define. Some describe it as a feeling of unsteadiness, a wobbliness as though they were on a boat in the middle of rough seas. Others might feel faint, as if they were on the verge of passing out. Yet others report a sensation of the room spinning around them, known medically as vertigo.
These symptoms might occur abruptly, catching the person off guard. The individual could be sitting comfortably when they suddenly feel as though they might tumble off their chair. Or they might be walking and feel as though they need to hold onto something to keep from falling.
Lightheadedness or dizziness related to heart disease often arises from a drop in blood pressure or an irregular heartbeat, medically known as arrhythmia. When the heart doesn’t pump blood efficiently, it leads to decreased blood flow to the brain. This reduced blood flow could manifest as a sudden, transient feeling of lightheadedness or unsteadiness. (6)