Factor 4. Obesity: The Weight of the Matter
Carrying excess weight isn’t just a burden on your joints; it also puts your heart under immense pressure. Obesity, a global health issue, is a major risk factor for heart disease. It’s particularly concerning because of its growing prevalence and its link to so many other heart disease risk factors, including hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes.
How exactly does obesity affect the heart?
Firstly, it forces the heart to work harder to pump blood around the body, which can strain the heart muscle over time. Secondly, obesity often leads to increased levels of LDL cholesterol and decreased levels of HDL cholesterol, contributing to artery-clogging plaque buildup. Thirdly, obesity is often accompanied by high blood pressure and diabetes, both of which have been discussed earlier for their destructive impacts on heart health.
Tackling obesity requires a multidimensional approach, focusing on diet, physical activity, and lifestyle changes. In some cases, medical intervention may be necessary. The journey towards a healthier weight is often challenging, but every pound lost is a step towards a healthier heart. (4)