Unraveling the Mystery: Top 15 Causes of Heart Disease

Cause 14. Poor Sleep: The Sleep-Heart Connection

Poor Sleep The Sleep-Heart Connection

Sleep might seem like an unexpected player in heart health, but it holds a significant role. Poor sleep, whether from sleep disorders like sleep apnea or from insufficient sleep, can have serious implications for heart health.

Sleep apnea, a condition characterized by repeated interruptions in breathing during sleep, can lead to sudden drops in blood oxygen levels, strain the cardiovascular system, and increase the risk of heart disease.

Even without a specific disorder, consistently short sleep durations can lead to higher risk of heart disease. Chronic sleep deprivation can result in higher levels of stress hormones, inflammation, and elevated blood pressure — all of which can contribute to heart disease.

Indeed, sleep isn’t merely a period of rest for the body; it’s a crucial time for heart health maintenance. (14)

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