Food 3: Processed Meats
Embarking on a trip to the deli aisle of your local grocery store might necessitate caution if you’re living with afib. Processed meats such as hot dogs, sausages, bacon, and ham are often loaded with preservatives, including sodium and nitrates. These ingredients may induce afib episodes in some individuals.
High sodium intake can lead to elevated blood pressure, a significant risk factor for afib. Sodium causes water retention, which increases the volume of blood your heart has to pump, thereby placing extra strain on the heart. With afib, this extra strain can trigger irregular heartbeats.
In addition to sodium, processed meats often contain high levels of nitrates, used as preservatives. Studies have linked nitrate consumption to an increased risk of afib. The relationship between nitrates and afib isn’t fully understood yet, but it’s suggested that nitrates might impact the heart’s electrical system, leading to irregular heartbeats.
Moreover, processed meats are usually high in unhealthy fats, contributing to weight gain and high cholesterol levels. These are additional risk factors for afib. So, while that bacon might seem appealing, opting for lean, fresh meats instead could be a healthier choice for your heart. (3)