Heed the Warning: Top 10 Symptoms of Sigmoid Volvulus

3. Constipation: A Blocked Pathway

Constipation A Blocked Pathway

Imagine the sigmoid colon as a crucial highway in a bustling city. When functioning correctly, traffic flows smoothly. But when it twists, this highway witnesses a colossal traffic jam. And that’s essentially what constipation linked to sigmoid volvulus feels like – a massive, frustrating blockage.

The logic behind this symptom is straightforward. The twist in the sigmoid colon blocks feces from moving towards their natural exit point. This obstruction gives rise to a sensation of fullness, making bowel movements challenging, if not impossible. But there’s more to it than just the blockage.

The body, in its rhythm, has its timings. It knows when it’s time to move and when it’s time to rest. But with sigmoid volvulus-induced constipation, this rhythm gets disrupted. The body wants to push, to relieve itself, but the blockage prevents it. (3)

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