Heed the Warning: Top 10 Symptoms of Sigmoid Volvulus

6. Sudden Weight Loss: The Body’s Silent Protest

Sudden Weight Loss The Body's Silent Protest

Unexplained weight loss is often met with mixed feelings. While it might seem like a boon to some, it’s crucial to delve deeper into its causes, especially when associated with sigmoid volvulus. It’s like the body’s silent protest against an internal twist, shedding weight it didn’t mean to lose.

So, why does this happen? A twisted colon impacts the absorption of nutrients. The body, struggling to draw nourishment from the food passing through, starts utilizing its reserves. The result? A dropping scale. It’s a bit like your car burning through its reserve fuel because there’s an obstruction in the primary fuel line.

Beyond just numbers on the scale, this weight loss affects energy levels. There’s a sluggishness, a reluctance to move, an unexplained fatigue. It’s not the tiredness that comes from a hard day’s work; it’s deeper, more intrinsic.  (6)

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