Heed the Warning: Top 10 Symptoms of Sigmoid Volvulus

7. Fever: The Body’s Fiery Retaliation

Fever The Body's Fiery Retaliation

Fever, often seen as the body’s default response to various ailments, takes a unique shade in the context of sigmoid volvulus. It’s not just a symptom; it’s a fiery retaliation, a defense mechanism against the twist and potential infection.

Now, let’s unpack that a bit. A twisted colon restricts blood flow, which might lead to tissue death or necrosis. This, in turn, can trigger an infection. The body, sensing this intruder, raises its internal temperature. It’s akin to turning up the heat to ward off an unwanted guest.

The temperature might rise gradually, starting as a mere warmth and progressing to full-blown fever. This progression, subtle yet insistent, is the body’s way of signaling escalating distress.

But it’s essential to remember that fever, while a prominent symptom, isn’t standalone. It’s usually accompanied by chills, sweats, and a general feeling of malaise. And while fevers are common and can be triggered by a myriad of reasons, when seen alongside the other symptoms, it’s a significant clue pointing towards sigmoid volvulus. (7)

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