Heed the Warning: Top 10 Symptoms of Sigmoid Volvulus

9. Loss of Appetite: The Muted Call of Hunger

Loss of Appetite The Muted Call of Hunger

Hunger is one of our primal urges. However, in the enigmatic narrative of sigmoid volvulus, this urge can become eerily silent. When one’s colon takes an unexpected twist, the usual clamor of a rumbling stomach might diminish into a muted whisper.

How does this scenario unfold? When the sigmoid colon twists, it can disturb the digestive system’s rhythm. The body, usually so eager to be nourished, becomes wary. There’s a trepidation, a hesitation, as if the body is anticipating more discomfort from the very act of eating.

Food, often a source of joy and sustenance, might begin to lose its allure. The tantalizing aroma of a favorite dish or the mouth-watering sight of a delectable dessert may no longer entice. Instead, there’s a subdued response, a reluctance.(9)

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