Hepatitis C in Women: 10 Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

Symptom 10: Weight Loss

Weight Loss

Unexpected and unexplained weight loss can be a concerning sign in hepatitis C patients. While shedding a few pounds might seem like a welcome change for some, in the context of hepatitis C, it usually indicates the body’s struggle to cope.

Several factors contribute to weight loss in hepatitis C patients. Appetite loss, nausea, and a compromised digestive process can lead to decreased nutrient intake. Additionally, the body, in its attempt to combat the virus, might burn more energy, furthering weight loss.

Weight loss isn’t just about aesthetics. It reflects a depletion of essential nutrients and muscle mass. This decline can reduce immunity, making one more susceptible to infections, and further exacerbate fatigue and weakness.

The physical changes due to weight loss can lead to self-image issues, with patients feeling detached from their bodies. This change can lead to a reduced sense of self-worth, further compounding the challenges they face. (10)

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