Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in Children: 10 Symptoms Every Parent Should Recognize

Symptom 5. Unexplained Weight Loss: The Silent Erosion

Unexplained Weight Loss The Silent Erosion

Weight fluctuations are common in children, especially during growth spurts. However, in Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, there’s a stark difference. The weight loss is significant and occurs without any changes in diet or exercise habits. It’s like watching a child shrink without any apparent reason.

The weight loss isn’t just restricted to shedding a few pounds. It can be more pronounced, with children losing a considerable fraction of their body weight in a short span. This rapid loss can lead to other complications, including weakness and lowered immunity.

This symptom is tied to the body’s metabolic changes as it grapples with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. The body might be burning calories at an accelerated rate or struggling to absorb nutrients properly. Additionally, the disease might cause a loss of appetite, further exacerbating the weight loss.

When such weight loss occurs, it’s visible not just in the numbers on the scale but in the child’s overall appearance. They might look gaunt, with visible cheekbones and a frail physique. Clothes that once fit might hang loosely, further highlighting the severity of the weight loss. (5)

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