Hormones, Health, and Women: 10 Facts About Cushing’s Syndrome

5. Striae: Not Your Average Stretch Marks

Striae Not Your Average Stretch Marks

Striae, commonly known as stretch marks, are often dismissed as a natural part of aging or weight fluctuation. However, in the context of Cushing’s syndrome, these are no ordinary stretch marks. They appear more purple and are typically wider and more prominently visible. They can show up unexpectedly, giving even more reason for concern.

Interestingly, it’s not just the abdomen that gets affected. Striae can appear on the arms, breasts, and even the face, making them distinctly different from typical stretch marks related to growth spurts, weight gain, or pregnancy. Women often find them alarming, given their sudden and unexpected appearance, not to mention their unusual characteristics.

This sudden onset and the specific areas affected can be disconcerting. Although they’re a skin-level symptom, the implications run deeper. Striae indicate skin that is thinning due to high cortisol levels, making it more vulnerable to bruising and slower to heal from cuts or abrasions. (5)

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