Hormones, Health, and Women: 10 Facts About Cushing’s Syndrome

6. Frequent Infections: The Immunity Connection

Frequent Infections The Immunity Connection

It’s a known fact that cortisol has immunosuppressive effects. In the case of Cushing’s syndrome, excess cortisol can make you more susceptible to infections. You might find yourself catching colds more frequently, but it doesn’t stop there. Even fungal infections like candida can become recurrent issues.

Contrary to what you might think, it’s not because you’re “run down” or simply unlucky. This is your immune system operating at less than its peak, thanks to cortisol messing with its efficacy. For women, this is particularly concerning as they are already more susceptible to certain types of infections, like urinary tract infections.

What makes this even more insidious is the tendency to attribute frequent infections to lifestyle factors, like stress or diet. A symptom like this can easily be brushed off, but it shouldn’t be. Frequent infections are not just a sign that you should wash your hands more often; they are a serious clue about your compromised immune state.(6)

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