Hormones, Health, and Women: 10 Facts About Cushing’s Syndrome

7. Menstrual Irregularities: A Hidden Hormonal Havoc

Menstrual Irregularities A Hidden Hormonal Havoc

Perhaps one of the more “hidden” aspects of Cushing’s syndrome in women is its impact on menstrual cycles. Irregular periods are often chalked up to stress, age, or other hormonal imbalances, but they can also be a sign of Cushing’s syndrome. The catch is that cortisol impacts the balance of other hormones, like estrogen and progesterone, leading to irregular menstrual cycles.

This can have profound consequences. For younger women, irregular periods can affect fertility and even delay it. In women closer to menopause, these irregularities can cause an earlier onset of the condition. It’s not just about the inconvenience of an unpredictable cycle; it’s a reproductive health issue that affects women uniquely.

Though it might not be the most talked-about symptom, menstrual irregularities in the context of Cushing’s syndrome are far from benign. In some cases, women have reported complete cessation of their menstrual cycles, also known as amenorrhea. In others, the cycle becomes highly unpredictable, with periods occurring more frequently or far less often. (7)

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