How Celiac Disease Manifests in Women: Top 10 Signs

3. Fatigue Beyond Reason: When Sleep Isn’t Enough

Fatigue Beyond Reason When Sleep Isn’t Enough

We’ve all had those days – dragging our feet around, yawning every few minutes, counting hours until bedtime. However, for some women, this fatigue is relentless, persistent, and unexplained. They sleep well, manage stress, and maintain a balanced diet, yet the exhaustion remains.

This isn’t the typical “burning the candle at both ends” fatigue. It’s profound, deep-seated, and seems to seep into the very bones. Some describe it as feeling like they’re wading through molasses, every step heavy and every task monumental.

Behind the curtains of this debilitating tiredness is often celiac disease. When the intestines don’t absorb nutrients efficiently due to damaged villi, it deprives the body of essential energy sources. This results in the body being under-fueled, leading to fatigue.

Furthermore, another angle is the mental toll. Constant digestive issues, the pain, and the discomfort can lead to stress and anxiety. This mental weight further exacerbates the fatigue, creating a vicious cycle of physical and emotional drain.(3)

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