5. Unexplained Weight Loss: The Involuntary Diet

Weight loss sounds like a positive outcome, but not when it’s unexpected and inexplicable. With esophageal ulcers, unexplained weight loss is often a concerning sign. You find yourself shedding pounds without trying, and not in a way that feels healthy or sustainable.
This isn’t the kind of weight loss you aim for; it’s the type that leaves you feeling drained and weakened. Calories are energy, and without enough intake, your body starts to use up your reserves. It’s a fast track to feeling lethargic and run down.
But why does this happen? The esophageal ulcer creates a blockage, making it difficult for food to pass into your stomach. Even the act of swallowing becomes painful, discouraging you from eating as much as you normally would. The result? A loss of appetite and, consequently, weight loss. (5)