Symptom 3: Visual Field Defects – Navigating Through the Maze of Optic Neuropathy

Visual field defects, another prominent symptom of optic neuropathy, manifest as a loss of peripheral or central vision. Picture the world as a vast panorama, a complete picture captured by our gaze. Now, imagine parts of this picture disappearing, leaving you with a segmented view of the world.
The nature of these ‘missing parts’ can differ from person to person. Some may experience a loss in their peripheral vision, often described as ‘tunnel vision.’ For others, central vision may fade, making it challenging to focus on the details directly in front of them. The nature of this symptom gives it its unique name: ‘visual field defects.’
The location of the optic nerve damage plays a critical role in shaping these defects. The optic nerve is like a complex network of cables, each transmitting visual information from different parts of the retina. Damage to specific areas within this network can lead to loss of vision in the corresponding parts of the visual field.
This symptom can be particularly disconcerting as it distorts our view of the world. For instance, loss of peripheral vision can make navigating through crowded places or driving a challenge. Likewise, central vision loss can make detailed tasks like reading or sewing difficult. (3)