10. Fatigue and Weakness: The Silent Energy Drainers
Last but not least: when you think of fatigue and weakness, you might chalk it up to a busy schedule or stress. However, with peritoneal mesothelioma, fatigue isn’t just feeling a little tired; it’s a profound lack of energy that affects your ability to function normally. You find yourself drained after minimal physical effort, even after a full night’s sleep.
Why does this type of exhaustion occur? Cancerous cells use up the body’s nutrients and energy, leaving less available for normal bodily functions. As the malignant cells grow and spread, the imbalance amplifies. It’s like running a machine at high gear constantly, without giving it time to recharge or refuel.
What sets this fatigue apart is its insidious nature. It creeps into your life, disrupting your routine in subtle ways. You might start opting out of social events or hobbies because you just don’t have the energy. Work tasks that used to be a breeze suddenly feel like monumental challenges. You’re tired, but not in the way sleep can fix. (10)