Symptom 7. Respiratory Distress: The Breathless Pursuit

Breathing, a seemingly effortless act, can become laborious for some MALT lymphoma patients. When the disease strikes the lungs, every inhalation can feel like a mountain climb. The lungs, those spongy air sacs, might not inflate fully, hinting at a lurking malignancy.
But here’s a thought: why would a lymphoma affect breathing? The lungs, besides their primary role, also harbor lymphatic tissues. MALT lymphoma, given its predilection for mucosal sites, might target these tissues, leading to respiratory symptoms.
And it’s not just about breathlessness. Some might experience a persistent cough, devoid of cold or infection. Others could grapple with a chest tightness, a sensation of being in a vice grip. These manifestations, varied as they are, point towards a compromised respiratory system.
Zooming into the lung’s microscopic world is enlightening. Alveoli, tiny sacs responsible for oxygen exchange, can get surrounded by lymphoma cells. This impedes their function, reducing oxygen flow to the blood, manifesting as breathlessness.(7)