Treatment of iron deficiency anemia differs from case to case.
If blood test results show an iron deficiency, your doctor may investigate to find the cause of the anemia. This is to check whether a serious disease could potentially be causing the problem.
The treatment of iron deficiency anemia is simple, but it requires time and patience to bring iron levels back to normal. The treatment principle is very simple: all you need is to eliminate the cause of iron deficiency and start taking iron supplements. Depending on your needs, your doctor may also recommend eating more foods high in iron, containing vitamin C (to help absorb iron better), consume less foods and drinks that prevent iron absorption (like calcium, fiber, tea, coffee and wine), have an intravenous iron infusion or (in extreme cases) a blood transfusion.
The main mistake that many patients make – they take iron supplements for a short time. You need to take your medication for at least two months to replenish even a slight iron deficiency. With severe iron deficiency, treatment can last up to six months or more.