10. Excessive Sweating: The Unbidden Moisture

Imagine waking up in the middle of the night, sheets drenched, even though the room temperature is comfortable. Excessive sweating, particularly at night, could point to a Pancoast tumor. No, you didn’t have a nightmare, and you didn’t leave the heat on; this symptom comes from out of the blue and leaves you scratching your head.
Here’s the thing: Sweating is often seen as a trivial thing, a mere byproduct of a hot day or a hard workout. But this kind of sweat is different. It has no rhyme or reason; it doesn’t care if it’s winter or if you’re stationary. It acts on its own accord.
Turn the spotlight on the social implications, and you’ll find that this symptom can be isolating. Nobody wants to discuss their spontaneous sweating episodes. Even less appealing is sharing a bed with someone when you’re in this condition. The damp sheets and moist pajamas are not just physically uncomfortable, but they also cultivate a sense of self-consciousness.
For some, this sweating phenomenon isn’t confined to nighttime; it may strike during the day, sometimes triggered by even the most mundane tasks like eating or writing an email. It’s not your garden-variety sweat; it’s a deluge, and you’re left navigating through this watery maze without a map.
To condense this down, excessive sweating isn’t something to be shrugged off. Unlike normal perspiration that has its roots in identifiable causes like heat or exercise, this is an anomalous symptom, often as perplexing to experience as it is to explain. (10)